Favorite Reference Websites

Thursday, November 11, 2010

My husband suggested I let you all know some of my secrets. ;) So here are a few of my favorite websites for reference, depending on what exactly I'm needing.

Food and Nutrition Expert Information

  • http://www.eatright.org/ - American Dietetic Association - search for a nutrition expert in your area (a Registered Dietitian); search for a host of different topics; position statements from the American Dietetic Assoc.; etc. Follow them on twitter - @EatRight
  • http://www.eatright.org/kids - Kids Eat Right - recipes, tips, etc for getting kids involved in eating healthier. (I just discovered this one today - pretty neat!) Follow them on twitter - @kidseatright
  • http://mypyramid.gov/ - MyPyramid - great resource for meal planning, serving sizes, etc. Enter your food to see how you measure up with calories, vitamins, fruits and veggies and more. Use the meal planner to plan meals for the week to ensure your family is getting enough fruits,k veggies and whole grains. Great resources for teachers and parents. *This is not a replacement for a nutrition professional but a great tool for teaching and meal planning.

Pregnancy "Stuff"
(I'm about 14 weeks pregnant, so I visit these frequently.)
  • http://www.americanpregnancy.org/ - American Pregnancy Association - pregnancy week by week for baby and mom; a host of topics to search; ovulation calendar, etc.
  • http://www.pregnancy.org/ - Pregnancy.org - tons of information and a great forum to post questions, concerns, etc and chat with other moms. Follow them on twitter for daily tips, articles and more! @pregnancyorg
  • http://babyfit.sparkpeople.com/ - BabyFit - great place to chart your water and food intake, vitamins, and exercise; get meal plans, fitness plans, recipes and more. I discovered this one earlier this week - super cool!
  • http://pregnancy.baby-gaga.com/ - Baby Gaga - need some humor? Try this site! Great week by week calendar postable to Facebook; hilarious cartoons for each week of pregnancy and a terrific blog by the Sarcastic Journalist (you'd have to be pregnant to understand!).
  • http://www.thebump.com/ - The Bump - (same group as The Knot and The Nest) free baby website builder, forums, weekly newsletter, checklist of things to do each week, baby name finder, etc. They have an iPhone app, too.
  • http://www.babycenter.com/ - BabyCenter - from conception to 9 years, find info on your baby; forums to chat with other moms; buy baby gear, etc. They also have an app. (I use the app every day!)
  • http://www.whattoexpect.com/ - What To Expect - by author of the very famous book, Heidi Murkoff, this website also has a weekly and daily newsletter; tons of information; and boards for posting for other moms. There is also an app for this one, too! I use this one daily, also.
General Health Websites
  • http://www.webmd.com/ - great resource; information and articles reviewed by true professionals - physicians, dietitians, etc. Follow them on twitter for various information @WebMD *This website should not be used as a replacement for medical advice.
  • http://www.mayoclinic.com/ - MayoClinic - great resource for a host of health information. Follow them on twitter for various information @mayoclinic *This website should not be used as a replacement for medical advice.
So, these are a list of websites I visit frequently. Enjoy!