A Hundred Measly Calories

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Did you know if you consume 100 fewer calories per day you could lose 10 pounds in a year? If you burn another 100 calories every day through exercise, you could lose up to 20 pounds per year.

Here are some easy ways to cut 100 calories per day:

Put mustard instead of mayo on a sandwich.
Try a “light” or fat-free salad dressing instead of regular.
Substitute Canadian bacon for regular bacon.
Eat fresh fruit instead of juice or dried fruit.
Order thin crust pizza instead of pan pizza.
Order your coffee “skinny” — with skim milk instead of cream.
Use a smaller bowl for your morning cereal.
Drink club soda with lime instead of regular soda.

Burn 100 more calories with these ideas:

Set your alarm 15 minutes earlier and go out for a morning walk.
Stand up and walk around while on the phone at work.
Take your kids out for a bike ride after dinner.
Go for a 15-minute walk on your lunch break.
Get off the subway or bus a stop early and walk the extra distance.
Park your car farther away from the door.
Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator.